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Showing posts from April, 2018

Only Flyers for International Life Club

Above flyers are designed for a campus club named International Club. They organize free dinners for exchange students every 1st Friday of the month. They have low budget which is why all flyers needs to be in black 'n white for low-cost printing. Their requirement for text is a lot because the audience or readers are not known to the area as well as this type of event. I used Adobe illustrator to design these flyers and the illustrations are downloaded from web. I uploaded this flyer because it is a different design from my other flyers, but there is no hierarchy between typography. It goes well in left top triangle, but the right bottom triangle messes up with a lot different text styles. I used Adobe Illustrator and photos from web. I uploaded this flyer on my blog as it reminds me how I realized to improve my typography.  This flyer was designed for a south asian event which is again a dinner event organized for specifically south asian s